File Preparation Services
for Busy School Districts

Struggling to format PDF IEP reports

and complex Adobe files?

Focus instead on translation!


We’ve uncovered a costly pitfall in school district translation.

Did you know that your translation staff has to wrestle with files before they can even begin their real work?

We conducted interviews with staff at multiple school districts nationwide, and heard one very common pain point: Translators and their managers spend countless hours tackling PDF or complex IEP documents formatted by Frontline, SESIS, SEIS, and others, including design formats coming from Communications or Curriculum departments.

Image of a doubtful person writing on a laptop, and there are some flying PDF, InDesign, and Illustrator file format icons.
An image of three documents commonly translated by school districts: superintendent reports, IEP reports, and handbooks.

Delegate the admin and design tasks.
Focus on what translators do best.

Your translation staff brings specialized language ability. But let’s face it: Having to fix and tweak obscure file formats (let alone master graphic design!) keeps them from doing the work they were hired for. Translators like to translate! Imagine removing those everyday frustrations—and freeing up their time for focused productivity in their field!

A workflow of how the file preparation service works.

We support every key role in the process

Directors and Executive Directors in Special Education

Boost your metrics! Turn around translation requests faster and with greater accuracy, while staying within your departmental budget.

Translation and Interpretation Managers, Translation Coordinators

Forget about translation overflow and renegotiating deadlines. Now you can focus on improving your core translation program and nurturing your translation staff.

District Translators and Interpreters

Delegate the file prep tasks and focus on what matters most: Communicating with your multilingual students and their parents.

Introducing a new, tailored service
for school districts that use CAT tools.

“We use Trados Studio in our school district, and we realized file preparation was key to fully leverage our previous IEP translations. The Translation Team not only helps us keep the layout clean, but also do it in such a timely way that it never delays the translation process.”

Translation Services Manager at a Colorado school district

School districts running computer-assisted translation (CAT) software can markedly increase Individualized Educational Program report translation output by offloading file preparation tasks.

A graphic that lists common documents school district translators work on daily. For instance, 504 reports, IEP docs, handbooks, enrollment guides, and more. If they submit them for file preparation, they will translate faster over time.

With our IEP file preparation and Adobe design services, school district translators and managers can now focus on serving as vital liaisons between their multilingual communities and their district’s schools.

Are you managing complex requests
in addition to those for Special Education?

School districts are often tasked with handling files that were created in Canva, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Publisher, and PowerPoint, to name a few. For these file types, we’ve seen that Communications, Curriculum, and Student Services are usually the top department requesters.

District translator, your freedom from
design tasks starts today.

The process couldn’t be easier.

Upload your IEP PDF documents or complex creative formats via our secure form.

Share detailed instructions, including your desired turnaround.

Receive ready-to-go layouts, regardless of the file format, within 24 hours.

See our FAQs to help you navigate.

Yes. With a CAT tool, you’ll enjoy greater productivity and reduced costs by handing off preparation of high-frequency documents, such as Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), psychological reports, 504 programs, and other documents.

Are you curious about implementing a CAT tool in your school district? Book a time tlearn more about our CAT tool implementation and training programs.

We take FERPA seriously, which is why we rely on strict cybersecurity policies to guarantee that your attachments won’t be intercepted or redirected to unknown locations. Email us today to receive a copy of our cybersecurity whitepaper.

Yes. We support school districts in multiple knowledge areas, from special education to curriculum and instruction, to handbooks and enrollment guides. We make it easy for you to request translation services when you send your files for preparation.

It depends on the number of pages and complexity. If you need your files expedited, please reach out directly so we may understand the scope of your request.

“We translate dozens of multilingual IEPs throughout the school year, but also other parent-facing materials, such as HR and school enrollment guides, presentations, superintendent reports. They are all worked in InDesign, Canva, and other creative software. The Translation Team helps us with design and file formatting (heavy lifting!), and we can focus on the rest. They are lifesavers!”

Translation Services Coordinator at Colorado School District

Still wondering whether outsourcing
these tasks will save your district time and money?

Read our case study about how, in just two months, a Colorado school district saved thousands of dollars and valuable working hours by delegating file formatting and design tasks.



We are also available to help and happy to meet virtually. Click here to book a time, or send us an email with your questions.